Hardly visible when you are there, just looking like "poor people," but no indication from dress that these are "gypsies." Or Travellers. No caravans on the roads, just shantytowns off to the side, a distance away. See the Scottish Traveller Education Program or STEP at ://www.scottishtravellered.net/travellers.html for an overview. There is also a Travellers Times at ://www.travellerstimes.org.uk/ that serves Great Britain's Travellers.
Their identity may be different from mainland Europe's groups.
Language: a "non-standard Scots" says STEP. Also contains Gaelic and Old Scots. A Travellers' Cant.
Groups: Some call themselves "Newkins" or "Nachins" says STEP. They have cultural elements in common with Europe's groups, but are not recognized as an ethnic group in Scotland. There are Occupational Travellers, New Travellers, Scottish Gypsies/ Travellers, Travellers from elsewhere in Europe or Britain.
Interest: mention of Welsh Kale gypsies at the STEP site - and mention of Cale gypsies in Spain at a site (have to look it up) at the England Travellers post, where there is a migration map. Did the Spanish Cale get up to Wales? By boat? How? Any connection?
Cultural connect: Johnny Faa - the Gypsy Laddie, 17th Century, ballad, lured off the Lord's Lady - see //www.maybole.org/history/books/legends/johnnyfaa.htm. There is a John Faa in the film, "The Golden Compass," see Gypsies, Roma, posts on Johnny Faa.
Their identity may be different from mainland Europe's groups.
Language: a "non-standard Scots" says STEP. Also contains Gaelic and Old Scots. A Travellers' Cant.
Groups: Some call themselves "Newkins" or "Nachins" says STEP. They have cultural elements in common with Europe's groups, but are not recognized as an ethnic group in Scotland. There are Occupational Travellers, New Travellers, Scottish Gypsies/ Travellers, Travellers from elsewhere in Europe or Britain.
Interest: mention of Welsh Kale gypsies at the STEP site - and mention of Cale gypsies in Spain at a site (have to look it up) at the England Travellers post, where there is a migration map. Did the Spanish Cale get up to Wales? By boat? How? Any connection?
Cultural connect: Johnny Faa - the Gypsy Laddie, 17th Century, ballad, lured off the Lord's Lady - see //www.maybole.org/history/books/legends/johnnyfaa.htm. There is a John Faa in the film, "The Golden Compass," see Gypsies, Roma, posts on Johnny Faa.